I want to set time (00:00 to 23:59) in a control. Without a Date!
can i disable the "Date-PopUp" in a ultraDateTimeEditor Control
or (better)
can i set a (00:00 to 23:59)-Mask in the ultraTimeSpanEditor???
Hello benny,
You could use the following settings on the control:
ultraDateTimeEditor1.MaskInput = "{LOC}hh:mm"; ultraDateTimeEditor1.DropDownButtonDisplayStyle = Infragistics.Win.ButtonDisplayStyle.Never;
Please feel free to let me know if a question about our toolset comes up on your mind.
I want the same time but I don't understand your solution.
Dim editor As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.UltraDateTimeEditor = New Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.UltraDateTimeEditor
editor.DropDownButtonDisplayStyle = Infragistics.Win.ButtonDisplayStyle.Never
editor.MaskInput = "{LOC}hh:mm"
ugrdTemps.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("DateHeureDebut").EditorComponent = editor
Error : Editor provided bu UltraDateTimeEditor does not support the column's data type.
My original data type is TimeSPan
Hi Francois,
The UltraDateTimeEditor only works with a DateTime, it will not work with a TimeSpan.
The easiest thing to do would be to change the data type if you can.
If you can't, then you would have to introduce a sort've in-between layer to convert from DateTime to TimeSpan and vice versa.
You could do this in a couple of ways. For example, you could hide the TimeSpan column and add an unbound DateTime column to your grid. Then you would use InitializeRow to populate the DateTime column from the TimeSpan and the BeforeRowUpdate event to convert the DateTime into a TimeSpan and populate the TimeSpan column.
Another option would be to use a DataFilter on your editor, which essentially does the same thing without the extra column.