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Handling KeyPress or KeyUp or KeyDown in Grid

I have a grid that has several columns that are style type as dropdownlist. Some of the columns are dependant on what is selected in the column before it. Its all working fine for mouse clicks, however things are not loading correctly when people arrow down through the list.  I have tested trying to capture KeyPress,KeyUP and KeyDown from the grid and it does not fre when use the arrow buttons to go up or down my list.  THe cells have a style type of dropdownlist.  It issuing value list to store the data. The value list is coming from Ultra Grid Drop Down. I also tried to capture the Key events from the Utra Grid Drop Down and I can not get it to fire.  So my question is if, I am tabbing through the different cells and want to arrow down on one of the drop downs, how can I capture what is selected from the key event? 

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    Just out of curiosity, what exactly do you need to do when the user arrows through the list? If you have a list that is dependent on some other list, it would probably make sense not to update the dependent list until the user leaves the cell and commits the change. Are you saying that you are updating the child list continuously? If so, what event are you currently using that works when the user clicks an item on the dropdown? It seems to me that, if this is what you want, the best event to use would be CellChange, since it fires any time the text changes regardless of whether it was the mouse or the keyboard the triggered it.

    Regarding the Key events, are you trying to handle these events on the grid or the DropDown? If neither of those are firing, then the only other thing you could try it using the form's KeyPreview.

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