How to change the row height according to the value in the cell for a dynamically designed cardview.
Yea thats what iam searching for, too!
my Text is cutten from the grid.
its a long text but all I can see from him is the first row. Mouseover shows me the rest of the text. :-(
All the hints from the other users are not useable caus this is cardview and theirs not :-(
PLLLEASE help us ;-)
greetings marc
Not sure if this is what you are looking for. I've used the below to autofit the column to see the entire text.
Grid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].CardSettings.AutoFit = true
thank you for that workaround!
I use .NET 2007 Rel. 3 and the above mentioned workaround works fine. Is this problem solved in a newer version of the grid control?
Thanks for your reply!
Marc - I had a similar requirement and this is what I did - the result is a dynamic multiline Cell in a cardview when the Text is multiline...
1. Set the CellMultiLine to true for the CardView:
Grid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Override.CellMultiLine = DefaultableBoolean.True;
2. In the InitializeRow Event :
foreach (UltraGridCell cell in e.Row.Cells)
if (cell.Text.Contains(Environment.NewLine) && !cell.Column.Header.Caption.Contains(Environment.NewLine))
cell.Column.Header.Caption = cell.Column.Header.Caption + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
There are a few properties for this.
Check out e.Layout.Override and look at the properties of the Override object that start with the word Allow. Like AllowRowLayoutColMoving, AllowRowLayoutResize, etc.
Hi mike,
:-) Sorry but I have one more and last question ^^
what is the command in the "initialze layout" to make the grid so that the User in runtime can change _everything_I want to have this option(s) active that I can change the grid like it should be then bin a button to save the layout and in the release version it should be like this:the button is deletet, no options are in the "initialize layout" and in form load I will load the saved layout from file(that one who I changed earlier).
:-) It sounds good I think and it has to be sucessfull ^^
Hey Mike,
Whole the day I tried this way but its very very much to configure and erverything interact with some other options.Manualy adding the Band and Columns and format them in the right style or layout is very complicated :-(As like you said to save the layout and load it at runtime is a good hint I thought it to do in the morning, too.But my chief is not for this way (Iam not, too). Because I cant control what the designer is doing there.
I'll look at the "layout-save"-way and the other and will decide in the future.
Now I want to thank you very much again! You helped me extremely!At now on I dont want to use your time longer. I think you have otherthings to do that are more important :-)
Thanks again very much!greetings Marc