I save my property categories on XML file.
I would like to compare this XML file property with propertyCategories on the grid.
Because, if I do some change of the original property Grid, I would like to reset the propertyCategories to the new original.
I have two file XML, FileName_User and FileName_Original
If a FileName_Original change, I would like to reset the FileName_User to the new setting.
Hi Mike,
Thank you.
I change my method. I save the layout to SQL and now the user can have more that one layout for each grid. And I delete all layout to each user when I'm doing new version when the grid was modified.
Hi Francois,
There's no way to load part of a layout. So the only way to do this would be to load the layout and then set the individual property (or properties) that you want to override.
One thing you could do to make this a little easier is to load the layout into a variable instead of loading it into the grid's DisplayLayout. You declare a variable of type UltraGridLayout and load the laying into that variable using the load method.
Then you can examine the layout and modify it before you apply it to the grid using the CopyFrom method.
I would like to compare two propriety grid.
First time when the user enter to the grid, I save the grid to XML file save as GridName_Original
When the user modify the grid I save the file to GridName_user.
When I change some thing on InitializeLayout when I delevry a new version my original setting for the grid was change. I would like to compare between the Old Original at new original setting. And if the setting was change I would like to reinitialise then file GridName_User for obtain the new setting.
I change the color of the column #1 (before was red now was blue) on my initializeLayout.
I delevery the new version.
When the user enter to the grid, is loading the file GridName_User (ther are the column one red and his don't have the new setting, blue color). I want to reload the Original setting to take effect of the new change.
I'm afraid I do not understand your question. There is no PropertyCategories property on the grid. And the XML file you save does not include what PropertyCategories were saved. This enum is just an option that indicates what should and should not be included in the xml file.