I have a UltraWinChart with a datasource:
DataTable with two columns "Timeslot" and "Count"
I set the DataMember of the column chart to "Count", reverse x-y axis.
If the data is like this (timeslot, count):
1, 0
2, 2
3, 2
Then above each of the columns the value is displayed as I set it to. But it shows two decimals like 0.00, 2.00, 2.00 and I would like it to show the value without decimals - the datatype of the column is Integer.
How do I do this?
Peter Haislund
You can try using:
appearance.ItemFormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:00>";
More about formatting of the labels you can find here:
Works great!
One last question then:
Can I move the text 5 pixels up? Right now it is written right on the top edge of the column, I would like it to be just above the column.
Like the red number - the black are the ones I got now.
Try adding:
appearance.VerticalAlign = StringAlignment.Far;