I am using Custom Appointment Dialog and Custom Recurrence Dialog in the application where I have integrated calendar control. I have used the stored procedure for getting the appointments and owners table and then used it to create dataset for binding it to the ultraCalendarInfo. I am saving the appointments in the Appointment Changed event like below:
OutlookAppointmentDialog dlg = new OutlookAppointmentDialog();
dlg.AppointmentChanged += new AppointmentChangedHandler(dlg_OnAppointmentChanged);
dlg.ShowDialog(appointment, this.MainCalendarInfo, this.ultraCalendarLook1, this, appointment.Owner);
void dlg_OnAppointmentChanged(object sender, AppointmentChangedEventArgs e)
When I open an existing recurring appointment as occurence and modify it, the recurring appointments gets dissappeared. I found out that when variance are created, a new instance of appointment is created. So, I tried to create new appointment when it is variance. While doing this, I end up getting two appointments in the calendar. Could you please let me know how to save variance without using data bindings?
Thank you for your time.
Hello Santosh,
I`m not famliar with your scenario, but I suppose that you are using UltraCalendarInfo in your application. If so the changes that you made into your Recurring Appointment will appear into UltraCalendarInfo and using ultraCalendarInfo1.DataBindingsForAppointments you could save these changes into your database (through TableAdapter or EnityModel ).
Let me know if you have any quesitons.
hi Georg,
I have calendar control which shows day.month and year view. When the user double clicks on the day, the custom Appointment Dialog is shown where the user can enter the appointment's information and also other extra information like UserName of the those who created the appointment. When the user clicks on "Save&Close" from the dialog, the informations are stored in the table. The ultracalendar info is binded from the stored procedure. Recently we have added the "recurrence" button in our custom appointment dialog. While clicking on this button, it launches the Custom Recurrence Dialog and the recurrence pattern is chosen. This custom dialogs are similar to the ones that are provided in the samples. The recurring appointments are created and saved in the database too. When the user opens the recurring appointment, the recurring edit dialog is shown to know if the user wants to open the occurrence or series. When the user opens it as the occurence, and modifies it, then I need to save this info to the database. How do i save this information in the database after my appointment dialog closes?
Thank you for your reply.
I`m not sure that I understand your scenario, but there are few possible approaches to solve this task. Could you please take a look in our online documentation :
Also please take a look at that forum thread (http://forums.infragistics.com/forums/t/66611.aspx ) where I discuss something similar. There are two samples where I`m using Table Adapters and EntityDataModel to Save/ Load data from/to database.
Let me know if you think that I misunderstood your question, or if you have any further questions.