I have a section within a report that needs to have page numbering on it for that section only. I dont know how many pages the section is until it is published.
I have tried the PageNumbering but the template only has 3 arguments ([Page #], [TotalPages] and [LastPageinSection] none of which help me.
To give you an example I have an " official report" within my "Report". my Report consists of some cover pages, the "official report" and some addendums. This could total 6 pages in my "Report" but the "official report" may only have 3 pages. By State Law I have to have page numbers on the "official report" in the form "Report Page x of y" where x is the page number in the "official report" and y is the total pages in the official report.
So a page in my report could be page 4 of 6 but on the "official report" it has to say "Report Page 1 of 3".
As I had the "official report" as its own section (using a band within it) I thought I could find out the page number I am on in the section and the total pages in this section. Is there a way to do this?
Hi abc123it:
I found setting the PageNumbering.Continue boolean to false after each use a page numbering object would reset the templates [Page #] and [TotalPages]. So my report within a report (the inner report section) can have it's own page number and total page. This works because I only need page numbering uniquely within each report section.
PageNumbering pn = secMain.PageNumbering;
pn.SkipFirst = true;
//pn.Style = rpt.styleFont8Bold;
pn.OffsetY = inch.ToPoints(0.25M);
pn.OffsetX = inch.ToPoints(0.10M);
pn.Template = "[Page #] of [TotalPages]"; //"[Page #] of [TotalPages]"; ... "[Page #] of [LastPageInSection]"
pn.Continue = false;//false = resets ... [Page #] to 1 after this section ends ... [TotalPages] so total only includes count of pages after this section ends ...
Good luck, Stan.