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Ultragrid rows display alternate row back color


I set up an Ultragrid with alternate row color by running following codes after the grid was populated with data: 

 For x = 0 To anICDs.GetUpperBound(0)  

     For y = 0 To Me.Rows.Count - 1 

         If CInt(Me.Rows(y).Cells("Position").Value) - 1 = anICDs(x) Then  

          Me.Rows(y).Appearance.BackColor = CType(IIf(x Mod 2 = 0, Color.White, Color.GreenYellow), Color)  

        End If 



I works during display time. But when I insert a blank row into the grid, the backcolor is still the default gray (see row 3,4), I would like the blank row to have the same GreenYellow color.  Is there a grid property I can set to accomplish this? Or is there an event I can duplicate the above code in?

Thank you.