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Put datasource to null

Hi everybody,

some months ago I realized an UltraGridNavigator (you can find it in my files section). It worked fine until today, when I encountered a particular situation that make it to fail.

To react at any ColumnFilter changes, it listen to Property_changed in the following way:

void sourceGrid_PropertyChanged(object sender, Infragistics.Win.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    PropChangeInfo columnFilterChangeInfo = e.ChangeInfo.FindPropId(Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.PropertyIds.ColumnFilters);
    if (columnFilterChangeInfo != null) {
       //Do something

so  the navigator could show a Filtered or NonFiltered status.

But what happen if DataSource is put to null?

In agreement with what Mike S. says here:
the layout get reset. That's ok, and also filters get reset, that's absolutely consistent.

The only odd behavior which follow is that the property_changed relative to  Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.PropertyIds.ColumnFilters  do not get fired !

Is this intentional? Why? How can I overcome of it?

Thank in advance.


  • 469350
    Offline posted

    Hi Gianni,

    The grid only reports the property that was directly changed - in this case the DataSource.In the case of setting the DataSource, the whole Layout is thrown out and a new one establish. So it wouldn't make sense for the grid to fire a notification for every possible property change in a case like this. It would take a year just to fire all the events. :)

    So I think fixing the issue here is simply a matter of trapping for the DataSource and DataMember properties, in addition to the ColumnFilters collection.

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