I have following situation: On modal dialog/form (with Accept and Cancel buttons properly configured), whenever one of the UltraCalendarCombo control receives input focus, I cannot close/confirm dialog by pressing an "Enter" key.
Somehow, UltraCalendarControl processes keyboard input and determines that it needs to handle "Enter" key. Is that an expected behavior or is it a bug? How can I get around it, so users can close the dialog by pressing "Enter" key?
Best regards,
Yes, a support case has been opened for you. I am in the process of submitting this issue to our development team and you will receive more information on this through the support case.
Hi Mike,
Thank you for your prompt response. I am a NetAdvantage subscriber, so I assume your case will show up under mine support activities?
Hi Andrej,
I tried this out and I am seeing the same results you describe. This seems like a bug to me. This works fine with other controls like the DateTimePicker and a TextBox, but not with UltraCalendarCombo. Even the UltraDateTimeEditor works. And the Escape key works for all of them.
It's only the Enter key that does not work and only for the UltraCalendarCombo.
So I'm going to forward this thread over to Infragistics Developer Support and ask them to create a case for you so we can look into this and get it fixed.