I am changing, for instance: the Grid Backgroup color, using the Designer, Control Settings, Ultra Grid, Display Layout, BackColor. I set to ControlDark and the backgroup show Control Dark. I save and apply settings. When I run, the control still shows this as white. I cannot find any setting that is telling the grid to save/load past run settings,etc. If there is one, where is it and how do I turn it off?
I have tried digging in to the maze of properties in runtime and the same setting set in code after populating grid also fails, as does, for instance:
Display.OverRide.Appearance.FridayOnly.UserSpecific.OverRide.Bands[0].WhenOnlyOneBand.Appearace.OverRide.BackColor.RegionSpecific.Users.Race.BackColor.LastUsed.OverRide.ColorBlindAccessibilty.WhenTrue = Color.DarkGrey
My guess is that you are loading a layout into the grid at run-time which is overriding your design-time settings. Or perhaps your application is using Application Styling and loading a Style library into memory, which will also override any design-time or run-time settings you apply.