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Showing major grid lines based on X-axis labels for a Composite Chart

I'm currently using an UltraChart (composite) in 11.2 controls to create a Burndown chart for an application. I'd like to only display grid lines on the X-axis where the data labels occur. Right now, the chart has a solid gray background appearance I think because of the number of points on the axis.

On the chart below, I'd like to only see grid lines at the location of the red lines, but for each axis label (dates) below. How can I accomplish this?




  • 53790

    Hello Medwards,

    I`m not sure that I understood your scenario, but maybe your could try to used one of these options:

    Option 1: to set ScrollScale.Visible = true and apply Scalling

    Option 2: to set ultraChart1.HorizontalScroll.Enabled and ultraChart1.HorizontalScroll.Visible with Max and Min values. By this way you could extend your and number of the points will be less for the same area.

    Option 3:to handle ultraChart1_FillSceneGraph  event and remove some points from the chart

    Let me know if you have any further questions


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