Dear all,
I am going to print the labels in format Avery 5160 which is not A4 size. I am using below code but found that the PDF output got distorted. Do you have any similar experience or do you have any suggestions to do with avery 5160 format??
Report report = new Report(); ISection section = report.AddSection(); section.PageSize = new PageSize(PAGEWIDTH, PAGEHEIGHT); section.PageMargins.Left = LEFTMARGIN; section.PageMargins.Top = TOPMARGIN; IGrid grid = section.AddGrid();.............................................................................. string dest = ""; dest = StoreManager.Common.CM_Param.COMMON_PRINT_PATH + reportName + ".pdf"; report.Publish(dest, FileFormat.PDF); BaseMainPanel bmp = new UserControls.BaseMainPanel();
if (bmp.printProcess == null || bmp.printProcess.HasExited) bmp.printProcess = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(dest); else { BaseMainPanel.ShowWindow(bmp.printProcess.MainWindowHandle, StoreManager.Common.CM_ID.SW_SHOW); BaseMainPanel.SetForegroundWindow(bmp.printProcess.MainWindowHandle); }
Hello ,
I have test your code snippet, please see the attached sample, but I am not sure that I see the issue. What you mean with “PDF output got distorted” ? Could you please be more specific in describing of your issue ? could you please let me know what are you expect to have in the output PDF ?
I am waiting for your details.