I am Working on a report,where i have an ultragrid & ultrachart.I want to export these two together in excel.Currently i am able to export my ulragrid and ultra chart but both of are getting exported in two different excel files. I have searched a lot but couldn't get any proper answer.Can anyone plz help me out
Case "Export"
objGrid.fn_UGrid_ExportFullGridPopup(ugridAuction, True, True, False, Me.Text)
Private Sub btnExport_Click()
Dim w As New Infragistics.Excel.Workbook()
Dim s As Infragistics.Excel.Worksheet = w.Worksheets.Add("Chart")
Dim ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream()
Me.UltraChartAuction.SaveTo(ms, Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.RenderingType.Image)
Dim i As New Infragistics.Excel.WorksheetImage(Image.FromStream(ms))
i.TopLeftCornerCell = s.Rows(0).Cells(0)
i.TopLeftCornerPosition = New PointF(0.0F, 0.0F)
i.BottomRightCornerCell = s.Rows(20).Cells(6)
i.BottomRightCornerPosition = New PointF(0.0F, 0.0F)
Dim theFile As String = Application.StartupPath + "\" & DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() & ".xls"
End Sub
I see that this post is a couple of years old, but I'm doing an export to Excel right now but I didn't know about the function mentioned here. One thing, though, (and this might seem like a stupid question, but) how was the objGrid created?
Thanks in advance,
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By MauryaIsha in WinGrid
Can you please let me know how to place ultrachart and ultragrid one below the other while exporting to pdf.
I want the chart to be placed first and then the grid.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks ,this exactly what i wanted...
Hello ,
In order to export UltaGrid and UltraChart in the same Worksheet you should pass as second parameter of the Export(…) method Worksheet object, which will be used to export UltraGrid, then to add WorksheetImage to the same Worksheet object. I have modify the sample in order to demonstrate this approach.
I hope this helps you.