I am using an UltraComboEditor
The UltraComboEditor is linked to a List<> where the DisplayMember is set to "Description" and the ValueMember is Set to "ID"
the ID is an integer and is stored in the relevant field on the table.
the UltraComboEditor is Styled as a DropDown, Autocompletemode = Suggest, AutosuggestFilterMode = Contains, Limit to List = true.
my problem is that when my form is initialised to edit a new record, where the value for the combo box has not yet been set the text of the combobox has defaulted to "0"
This is a pain as and "0" is not in the List and when the user starts to type, they have to delete the "0"
As a work around I set the UltraComboEditor.Text = "" where UltraComboEditor.Text = "0" in the Value_Changed Event, (though this will not work if an entry in the list begins with "0"!)
How can I get the UltraComboEditor to initialise to "" (string.empty) instead of "0"?
Hello Jose
I have modified your example to replicate my issue
I have added a bindingsource and a TestObject with one property on it Testing1ID (int), linked the combobox to the bindingsource
I create a new instance of the TestObject and set this as the Datasource
as you can see the combobox now initialises to 0
I know that the default value for Testing1ID is 0, but we dont want Testing1ID to be a nullable int, and 0 is not in the combobox list, so it shouldn't be there!
This is happening in a lot of places where the ID of the look up is defaulting to 0 where it hasnt been set on a new entity, (I'm using LinqtoSQL entities), its a bit clumsy setting the combobox.text to "" where the combobox.value == 0 on all my forms.
am I missing a check box value somewhere or is there a better work around?
Please let me know if I may be of any further assistance regarding the sample I created to help reproduce this issue. I will follow up with you again in other three days if I don't receive a response.
I will be happy to assist you with this issue.
I followed the steps you suggested and was unable to reproduce the behavior you're describing.
I have attached the sample project I used to test this. Please test this project on your PC; whether or not it works correctly may help indicate the nature of this problem.
If the project does not work correctly, this indicates either a problem possibly specific to your environment, or a difference in the DLL versions we are using. My test was performed using version 11.2.20112.2019 in NetAdvantage for .NET 2011 Volume 2.
If the project does show the product feature working correctly, this indicates a possible problem in the code of your application. It will help if you can provide a small, isolated sample application that demonstrates the behavior you are seeing.
Or, if this sample project is not an accurate demonstration of what you're trying to do, please feel free to modify it and send it back, or send a small sample project of your own if you have one.
Please let me know if I can provide any further assistance.