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Excel Exporter in infragistics 10.1

Currently i am using infragistics 10.1 version in my application.It is winfrom based.Iam using Ultragrid excel exporter to export data from grid to excel file.It works fine for small no of datas.When large volume of data is to be exported ,it gives 'System.outofmemory' error. Is there any way i can use the exporter in such a way that i can export grid part by part. for eg if my grid contains 50000 rows, can i export first 10,000 in one instance of workbook, other 10000 in another and so on?.

Please advise

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  • 469350
    Offline posted


    The UltraGridExcelExporter has to create the entire Workbook in memory before it can be written out to a file. So there is always going to be a possibility of running out of memory if your Workbook is too large.

    We have made many big performance and memory enhancements to the exporter and the Excel engine in the past couple of years. So my first recommendation to you would be to update to the latest version. You may find that you can export all of your data with no errors.

    If that does not work, of you cannot update, then the only way to do what you are suggesting would be to break up the data into multiple grids and export them one at a time. The exporter doesn't have any ability to break up the grid into multiple workbooks for you.

    You could also try filtering the grid and exporting the same grid multiple times with different filters. But even if you filter the grid, it still have to clone it's rows, so you could end up with the same memory issues.

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