Grid with card view, some groups, row layout.
Column has .MergedCellStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.MergedCellStyle.Always, I'm also setting custom MergedCellEvaluator. Problem: ShouldCellsBeMerged is not called.
What is wrong?
I just wanted to know if you were able to solve your issue based on Mike's suggestions or you still need help? Just let me know.
Thank you.
Maybe you could achieve something closer to the desired behavior if you use Creation Filter Interface in order to modify the UltraGrid control at runtime and to achieve horizontal merging of the cells. More information about Creation filter Interface you could find at the following link:
If you post a simple sample with the layout structure (and some dummy data), which you are using for your UltraGrid I will research more deeply if it is possible to use Creation Filter for your specific scenario.
I am waiting for your feedback .
Just great....
Any workaround? Some custom cell render?
Maybe something with row layout and column labels?
I don't think CellMerging is supported in CardView mode. You should Submit a feature request to Infragistics.