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ultraGridDocumentExporter Publish XPS does not correctly export to Landscape

We are using Infragistics v10.3

UltraGridDocumentExporter properly exports a PDF in Landscape but not to XPS LandScape:

This is the screen shot of the PDF Export:


This is the screen shot of the XPS Export:



ultraGridDocumentExporter1.TargetPaperOrientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;

ultraGridDocumentExporter1.TargetPaperSize = PageSizes.A4;

ultraGridDocumentExporter1.Margins = new PageMargins(30f, 30f, 30f, 30f);

Report rpt = new Report();

ISection summary = rpt.AddSection();

summary.PageMargins.Left = 30f;

summary.PageMargins.Right = 30f;

summary.PageMargins.Top = 30f;

summary.PageMargins.Bottom = 30f;

summary.PageOrientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;

summary.PageSize = PageSizes.A4;


ultraGridDocumentExporter1.Export(GridHourly, summary);

ultraGridDocumentExporter1.Export(GridHourlyDetail, summary);

var reportFileName = @"c:\temp\mssreport.xps";

using (PrintDialog prtDlg = new PrintDialog())


if (prtDlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)




// change to PDF and it creates the document correctly

rpt.Publish(reportFileName, FileFormat.XPS);





