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Databound Ultratree problems moving nodes

I have a databound Ultratree that is filled according to the recommended method by Infragistics:




objDataAdapter =


New SqlDataAdapter(String.Format("Select * From iclm order by iclm_par_id, iclm_seq_no"), sConnection)





Dim r1 As New Data.DataRelation("R1", dsResult.Tables(0).Columns("iclm_int_id"), dsResult.Tables(0).Columns("iclm_par_id"))

I then bind this to the Ultratree control using Standard View using a dataview:

dvView = dsResult.Tables(0).DefaultView



UltraTree1.DataSource = dvView

I control the order of the nodes using a column from the DB called "iclm_seq_no".  I allow the user to move the nodes in a level up or down by selecting.  I then update the "iclm_seq_no" with the new order.  The problem arises when I resort the dataview to update the Ultratree's order.  Any changes on the root level show but any changes to the sort order on the child levels are not reflected.

I want to avoid clearing out the Ultratree and rebinding it since all the expansions are lost and the tree basically resets itself.

Any ideas?