The unattended install with property AGREE_AND_INSTALL_OFFICE_2007_UI = yes ends with success. Also in de form designer the ultratoolbarmanager is well presented with the 3 available buttons.
When I do an uninstall via add/remove programs, the infragistics winforms 10.3 remains in the list.
After some investigation I also noticed that 2 dll's are still shown in the GAC:
Also in the registry lots of keys with reference to infragistics remain there.
When I reinstall the winforms 10.3 components with the unattended install, I get an error when using the ultratoolbarmanager component.
Can somebody tell me if I have to set other settings for the unattended install. Or explain me why the uninstall is messing up things.
No, this doesn' t change a thing.
The solution we have for the moment is not to modify the original msi and pass all parameters in via the command line.
It is a pitty that the use of transformation files (or modifications via Orca) doesn't work.
If no suitable solution is found we will continue with the commandline solution for now.
If a solution is found we will be glad to use it. But the reply's with only "try this, try that" isn't providing a solution. For me a solution is something thas works.
Could you please try again to run the installation through the command line, but this time add the parameter "ALLUSERS=1"? Let me know if that makes a difference for you.
After the uninstall I see:
Installation through Installer's UI with modified msi:
Installions through Installer's UI isn't an option in our company. This because the install/distribution of software happens via a distribution system towards the developpers. It is impossible to pass by them individually.
After you uninstall NetAdvantage what exactly do you see? Are there files in "Program Files"? Is everything still in the GAC? Have you tried to do the installation through the installer's UI rather than doing an unattended installation?
I have modified the original msi with the property settings for License key and agree_and_install_office_2007_UI (via orca).
Then I ran the statement msiexec.exe /i "c:\temp\NetAdvantage_winforms_20103.msi /qn /L*v "c:\temp\install.log"
So, without the addlocal parameter.
The result is that after the first install, the uninstall isn't properly done. Reinstallation after the uninstall isn't working. Also the infragristics registration in add/remove programs stays even if it is unistalled.