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How to fire the MouseDown event in an ActiveCell of the UltraGrid control?

Hi there,

I'd like to have spellchecking in a selected gridcell, where, when right-clicking a ContextMenu should appear with suggestions. In the code below I attach an UltraSpellChecker to an ActiveCell:

private void UltraGrid_AfterCellActivate(object sender, EventArgs e)


UltraTextEditor customEditor = new UltraTextEditor();

customEditor.SpellChecker = ultraSpellChecker;

customEditor.ContextMenuStrip = spellingMenuStrip;

EditorWithText)customEditor.Editor).TextBox.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(CustomEditor_MouseDown);

ultraGridActiviteitenEnTaken.ActiveCell.EditorControl = customEditor;


The spellchecking seems to work, but the MouseDown event does not fire when I (right)click the ActiveCell. Does someone have a solution to this problem?


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