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Splitters and Control Pane Size Management?

UltraDocManager Version 11.2 recently updated from 9.2, hosted in a windows forms user control because I originally could not keep the DocManager control and panes from docking behind or over other controls that were docked at the top of the main form, etc.  It seems like the bounds of the main for itself were used no matter what for the docking sites of the panes no matter what I tried. I would love to migrate this control to the main form and eliminate all of the code needed for controls to communicate across the user control and main form, but this deviates from the topic of this post.

I have 5 control panes, each with an UltraGroupBox containing an UltraGrid.  The issue is when the user wants to resize a pane other than the bottom one, the bottom one either gets pushed off the bottom of the screen or resized.  In other words there is way too much dragging of multiple splitters just to resize any of the panes whose grid the user wants to see more of.

Say we have 3 of 5 the panes pined.  This leaves two splitters on screen and 3 grids.  I want to pull the top splitter down to see more of the top grid.  What I expect is for the middle pane \ grid to get smaller.  What actually happens is the top grid gets larger, the middle grid stays the same size, and the bottom grid gets smaller and smaller until it is gone.

I did change the minimum size of the bottom pane to 120, which prevents it from getting smaller than 120, but then I cannot continue to drag the top splitter downward and have the middle grid get smaller even though the middle grid's minimum size is zero.

There must be something I can do so that each spitter with resize both controls \ areas on either side?

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  • 4618

    Hi JaimeZ,


    I have created CAS-78913-YC47TG to facilitate further investigation of this issue. I will provide you with additional updates through this case.


    If you have any questions, regarding this issue in the meantime, please let me know.



    Chris K

    Developer Support Engineer

    Infragistics, Inc.


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