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Updating layouts after schema renaming

My team is working on a project for a windows application using infragistics 10.1. The previous application had thousands of saved layouts which the users could use to change the arrangement of data in the grid. With the update the columns in the database are changing and data access is occurring differently to where more columns will be being bound than the previous application.

We need to migrate the layouts so the users do not have to create all new ones. Our initial thought was to just load the layout, find the changed columns and update the key. This seems to work but we continue to run into issues. It seems for one that the new columns are displayed by default, so if the layout does not contain the column it shows up and the user sees many more columns than they originally would have. Is there a setting or something that could be used to hide anything from the users that is not found in the layout when applied? We've attempted iterating through and adding then hiding the columns from the layouts but as we dig deeper and deeper the layouts continue to not match.

What type of approach should be taken to convert layouts? I'm hoping some advice can be given that we have overlooked. Thank you for any help you may be able to provide.