Hello,I would (very much) need a grid component that I could use either in Silverlight and WPF. You already did that with scheduling components, and I was wondering if you have similar plans for a very needed component like a grid.
The goal is to develop (using the combination Silverlight/WPF) cross platform applications: I write common code (via user controls and MVVM) that runs indifferently on Silverlight and WPF.
While I can do this with your scheduling components, I can't use a common code for the grid, so the consequence is that I won't use your grids, since I don't want to write 2 different codes and controls. I'm using the default DataGrid.
Is there a chance that we could get such a component?
Best Regards
Thank you for your post. I have been looking through it and I can say that in version 11.2 of NetAdvantage LOB, the Silverlight’s XamGrid is now cross platform control and can be used both in Silverlight and WPF.
Hope this helps you.