I'm trying to use header groups, because I have somewhat similar like discussed in this thread:
I can not figure out how the headers are align and the header width can be set. In my Grid every column stands for a time period of 15 minutes. My first header group should span 1 day (24 * 4 columns). The second header group stands for 1 hour (4 columns). For every 4 columns I add a header group.
For every hour group I set the day-group as parent:
groupHour.RowLayoutGroupInfo.SpanX = 4;
groupHour.RowLayoutGroupInfo.ParentGroup = groupDay;
groupHour.Width = 4 * myWidth;
For the columns I set the current hour group as parent:
col.RowLayoutColumnInfo.SpanX = 1;
col.RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = groupHour;
col.Width = myWidth;
After this, the hour groups have the same width as the columns instead of span over 4 columns. Why this? How are the Origin and Span properties to be set to achieve this?
Thanks for help.
Thank you for your feedback and for sharing this with our community.
Please do not hesitate to ask if something comes up.
I have figured it out (I hope): The RowLayoutGroupInfo.OriginX property of the "hour group" is calculated over all of the columns:
>> groupHour.RowLayoutGroupInfo.OriginX = hourIndex * 4;
That seems to be working. Anyway it looks not straight forward solution using those headres just for spanning some headers over cells.
I have oner more problem, but will start a new post for that.
Last post seems to have no picture:
Hope you got it.
My groups looks like this:
and here is the code:
band0.Groups.Clear(); band0.RowLayoutStyle = RowLayoutStyle.GroupLayout; // Group Organisation UltraGridGroup groupOrg = band0.Groups.Add( "GroupOrg" ); groupOrg.RowLayoutGroupInfo.OriginX = 0; groupOrg.RowLayoutGroupInfo.OriginY = 0; groupOrg.RowLayoutGroupInfo.SpanX = 1; groupOrg.RowLayoutGroupInfo.SpanY = 2; groupOrg.RowLayoutGroupInfo.LabelSpan = 2; // Column Organisation UltraGridColumn col = band0.Columns[keyCol_Organisation]; col.RowLayoutColumnInfo.OriginX = 0; col.RowLayoutColumnInfo.OriginY = 0; col.RowLayoutColumnInfo.SpanX = 1; col.RowLayoutColumnInfo.SpanY = 1; col.RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = groupOrg; // Group Day 0 UltraGridGroup groupDay0 = band0.Groups.Add( "GroupDay0" ); groupDay0.Header.Caption = "Day 0"; groupDay0.RowLayoutGroupInfo.OriginX = 1; groupDay0.RowLayoutGroupInfo.OriginY = 0; groupDay0.RowLayoutGroupInfo.SpanX = 24*4; // 24 * 4 columns of 15 minutes groupDay0.RowLayoutGroupInfo.SpanY = 1; // Group Day 1 UltraGridGroup groupDay1 = band0.Groups.Add( "GroupDay1" ); groupDay1.Header.Caption = "Day 1"; groupDay1.RowLayoutGroupInfo.OriginX = 2; groupDay1.RowLayoutGroupInfo.OriginY = 0; groupDay1.RowLayoutGroupInfo.SpanX = 24 * 4; // 24 * 4 columns of 15 minutes groupDay1.RowLayoutGroupInfo.SpanY = 1; // Group Hour 0 (Subgroup of Group Day 0) UltraGridGroup groupHour0 = band0.Groups.Add( "GroupHour0" ); groupHour0.Header.Caption = "Hour 0"; groupHour0.RowLayoutGroupInfo.OriginX = 0; groupHour0.RowLayoutGroupInfo.OriginY = 0; groupHour0.RowLayoutGroupInfo.SpanX = 4; // 4 columns of minutes groupHour0.RowLayoutGroupInfo.SpanY = 1; groupHour0.RowLayoutGroupInfo.ParentGroup = groupDay0; // Group Hour 1 (Subgroup of Group Day 0) UltraGridGroup groupHour1 = band0.Groups.Add( "GroupHour1" ); groupHour1.Header.Caption = "Hour 1"; groupHour1.RowLayoutGroupInfo.OriginX = 1; groupHour1.RowLayoutGroupInfo.OriginY = 0; groupHour1.RowLayoutGroupInfo.SpanX = 4; // 4 columns of minutes groupHour1.RowLayoutGroupInfo.SpanY = 1; groupHour1.RowLayoutGroupInfo.ParentGroup = groupDay0; // Columns 0...3 (columns of Group Hour 0) for ( int i = 0; i <= 45; i = i + 15 ) { col = band0.Columns[i.ToString()]; col.Header.Caption = i.ToString(); col.RowLayoutColumnInfo.OriginX = i / 15; col.RowLayoutColumnInfo.OriginY = 0; col.RowLayoutColumnInfo.SpanX = 1; col.RowLayoutColumnInfo.SpanY = 1; col.RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = groupHour0; } // Columns 4...7 (columns of Group Hour 1) for ( int i = 60; i <= 105; i = i + 15 ) { col = band0.Columns[i.ToString()]; col.Header.Caption = i.ToString(); col.RowLayoutColumnInfo.OriginX = (i -60) / 15; col.RowLayoutColumnInfo.OriginY = 0; col.RowLayoutColumnInfo.SpanX = 1; col.RowLayoutColumnInfo.SpanY = 1; col.RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = groupHour1; } // all other columns not assigned yet
As you can see Day 0 and Hour 0 are not showed. Columns 15 - 45 are not visible. What I want is that Hour 0 and Hour 1 groups are under Day 0 and columns 0,15,30 and 45 are under Hour 0 etc.
What do I missing here?
Thanks for help. Markus