I would like to have a calendar that has five or seven days and where every day have the looks of the UltraDayView. A vertical space for every day. In the same way that Outlook is build. The control UltraWeekView seems to only allow a box separated view representation of the days. Am I missing an essential property in UltraWeekView that defines how the days should be represented?
That was perfect solution, straight to the point. I appreciate for a quick and precise reply.
Add an UltraDayView (instance name: dayView) and an UltraCalendarInfo (instance name: calendarInfo) controls on your form. In the Data section of the dayView's properties set the CalendarInfo property to point to the calendarInfo control. Now, in the constructor of the Form, the Load event handler, or wherever you like do:
calendarInfo.EventManager.AllEventsEnabled = false;calendarInfo.SelectedDateRanges.Clear();calendarInfo.SelectedDateRanges.Add(DateTime.Today, 4); // 4 for a 5 days week or 6 for a 7 days week. calendarInfo.EventManager.AllEventsEnabled = true;
I am disabling all events on the calendarInfo because of the events listeners I have set on it.
Hope this helps,Emanuel
You have to use an UltraDayView, link it to a CalendarInfo, and set the SelectedDatesRange in the CalendarInfo object to be a 5 or a 7 days range. The UltraDayView will show what you like. A sample of this is the "Outlook" in the Samples\WinForm directory.