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ButtonTool and PopupMenuTool behavior on overflow menu

Hi I have a toolbar with the CaptionPlacement property set with BelowImage, I have ButtonTool and PopupMenuTool tools on it, when they are showed in the toolbar they look the same but when they are showed in the overflow menu they behave diferent, for ButtonTool it only displays the image and for the PopupMenuTool it shows only the caption, is there anyway for both to look the same?

  • 44743
    Verified Answer

    Make sure the DisplayStyle is set to ImageAndText for each tool. This can be found on the InstanceProps or SharedProps of the tools. Note: if the DisplayStyle is set on both the InstanceProps and SharedProps, it will use the DisplayStyle from the InstanceProps.

    I believe using this DisplayStyle should work, but if it doesn't, it may be a bug.

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