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How to pass tooltip to all objects

I have a very simple control in VB 2010. It has a label and a text box. I also added a ToolTip control that is attached to the bottom of the screen.  I then setup a property so I can set the tool tip adter I drop the new control on a form This works for the form that the text and label are placed on, but the text and the label never inherit the tool tip. I tried to assign them but that doesnt work as the tooltop is not available on the code side.  the property page does have a place for the tooltup but I cant get to it from the code.

any ideas?

  Public Property AToolTip() As UltraToolTipInfo


      AToolTip = Me.ToolTipT.GetUltraToolTip(Me)

    End Get

    Set(ByVal value As UltraToolTipInfo)

      Me.ToolTipT.SetUltraToolTip(Me, value)

    End Set

  End Property