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Wingrid free sizing columns on 2nd row

I have a setup a design where some of the fields I have put on a 2nd row. In the old VB6 days you could set something like ColumnSizeFree or something like that so that you could freely set the size of the columns and it would not affect the column above or below.  It seems with Ultragrid if you have say a "Name": field on row one.  Then the next row has a check box.  I would like to make that check box field fairly small in width.  I add the 2nd chck box on the 2nd row and the 2 boxes line up under the name field.  I can make then span = 1 but I really dont want them to be dependant on the row above.

Is there a trick to do this?

I would think there would be a "free form" design that lets you set up a "screen" using the cells from the grid.  Is there something like this?

  • 469350
    Offline posted


    No, there's really no way to make the cells in each row completely independent of each other.

    You might be able to acheive a little more flexibility by using a RowLayout, but there will still be some limitations on the sizing of the cells based on cells in other levels.