For some reason, the InitializeLayout event doesn't seem to fire when the screen loads up. I've checked the InitializeComponent() and the following code seems to be there. Please advise.
this.ultraGrid1.InitializeLayout += new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventHandler(this.ultraGrid1_InitializeLayout);
Hello joeleesin,
In order for this event to fire you have to have a DataSource bound to your UltraGrid. If you have already a DataSource and this event does not fire this means that you are attaching the event handler after you have alrady bound the UltraGrid to the DataSource and it is just to late and you would need to attach to this handler prior attaching a DataSource to you UltraGrid. You could do this in the Designer as well.
Please let me know if you have any other questions with this matter.