Is it possible to rotate angle labels counter-clockwise in polar chart, i.e. i want angle '0' on the top of the chart,
'90' on the right side, '180' at the bottom, and finally '270' on the left. If it is possible, how can i do it?
Thank you for your reply. I tried the code above. As you said, text values of labels has changed. But the chart seems to be incorrect because, it draws the same chart before and after adding the code. To make it clear, the angle value 270 is drawed on top in both case.
I want to ask if there is a way to change label values and make the chart still correct?
Thanks in advance...
you can't configure the chart to work this way through properties, but you can use IRenderLabel to change the text values of these labels:
Hashtable labelRenderers = new Hashtable(); labelRenderers.Add("CUSTOM_X", new PolarLabelRenderer()); this.ultraChart1.LabelHash = labelRenderers; this.ultraChart1.Axis.X.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<CUSTOM_X>";
internal class PolarLabelRenderer : IRenderLabel { string IRenderLabel.ToString(Hashtable context) { double dataValue = Convert.ToDouble(context["DATA_VALUE"]); dataValue += 90.0; while (dataValue >= 360.0) { dataValue -= 360.0; } while (dataValue < 0.0) { dataValue += 360.0; } return dataValue.ToString("0"); } }