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Multiple UltraTree's in UI

Hi, everyone 

I have two UltraTree's in my UI. The 2nd one is just a copy (I did a ctrl-c as to have the same properties as the 1st). The 1st tree doesn't require me to call any beginupdate or endupdate function calls whenever I make changes to the nodes (for example if i change a node image) for the tree to update, but the 2nd copied Tree does require me to call beginupdate and endupdate whenever I make changes to get the same functionality as the 1st Tree. I've looked at the properties and they look the same. Any idea why the 2nd tree would act differently than the 1st tree since I just did a copy? Is there a property I should look at on the 2nd tree? The property I thought that would affect this is UpdateMode, but both Trees have it set to "OnActiveNodeChangeOrLostFocus"... They're both docked using the UltraDockManager if that has anything to do with it...any help much appreciated.

  • 469350
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Can you post the exact code you are using to cause a change? How are you changing the image, for example?

    You shouldn't have to do anything, but I am wondering if by copying the tree you have somehow got your two trees sharing appearances or something like that.  

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