Hi Experts,
I am having a following problem ... i have to import the files displayed in the ultrawingrid first column...
i achieved it on row by row basis ie i can able to import by doing on each row by row... But i have to do this on alternative rows ie importing alternative rows simultaneously at the same time as below.. Please help me on this its very urgent..
Thanks in advance
I'm sorry, but I do not understand what you are asking.
I would strongly advise against using DataBinding and multiple threads, though. This is extremely complex and difficult. And since you are not in control of the communication between the data source, the BindingManager and the grid, it is generally not possible to do this reliably.
Ok i will tell that clearly..
I am having a ultrawingrid which have the file path in its first column .... I have to upload those files to the database table by reading path from each row at a time.. I have done the progressbar work while inserting... what i need is i would like to do that inserting process on more than one rows from grid at the same time.. so is it possible??
It seems like this should be possible, but I'm really not sure what your question is.
I don't know anything about the process of uploading files. So I can only assume you are asking how to update the grid cells while this process is occurring?
But if that is the case, then I'm confused, because you seem to already know how to do that. You simply set the Value on the grid cell that contains the progress bar. It doesn't make any difference whether you update one cell or more than one cell in the grid.
Just to re-iterate, though, you should never update a grid cell or the grid's data source on a thread other than the UI Thread. That is certain to cause your application to crash unexpectedly.