Hi, I’m trying to implement the Y-axis inversion according to techniques suggested in this forum and help documentation.
I’m referring to Winforms release 2010.2
The technique first suggests to change the sign of values (-1 *):
no problem, of course.
Then –using IRenderLabel- reverse Y labels too.
This should be done as follows:
1. Set the appropriate FormatString property to a unique string value enclosed by "<" and ">" characters.
2. Create a Hashtable with an entry containing that unique string value without the "<" and ">" characters, and an instance of an IRenderLabel implementation.
3. Set the UltraChart.LabelHash property value to the Hashtable containing the IRenderLabel implementation.
This is my implementation,
1: added to the Form where is Ultrachart1
Public Class MyLabelRenderer
Implements IrenderLabel
Public Overloads Function ToString(ByVal context As Hashtable) _
As String Implements IRenderLabel.ToString
Dim itemLabel As Double = -1 * CDbl(context("REV_VALUE"))
Return CStr(itemLabel)
End Function
End Class
I set up a scatter chart with one chartArea and several layers
‘ … code setting up composite chart,
‘ including <DATA_VALUE> default definition …
‘ up to
' +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 If bzCurv.grand = 4 Then
2 Dim yAxis As AxisItem = myChartArea.Axes(1)
3 yAxis.Labels.ItemFormat = AxisItemLabelFormat.Custom
4 yAxis.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<REV_VALUE:####0.>"
5 End If
6 Dim MyLabelHashTable As New Hashtable()
7 MyLabelHashTable.Add("REV_VALUE", New MyLabelRenderer())
8 Me.UltraChart1.LabelHash = MyLabelHashTable
This doesn’t work : the chart is replaced by the red cross
Since I didn’t find an example concerning composite chart axis I’m asking if you see where I make a mistake
I believe the class MyLabelRenderer is correct.
My doubts are about the code lines with line number.
· this numbered code is placed in a Init.. method called by Form_Load
· the test in line 1 tells the type of chart where this inversion is needed
· the following definitions are referred to the Y axis of myChartArea
· 6,7, 8 ?
Thanks in advance for any help
Best regards, Marco Brazzelli
does anybody here may help me ?
In your MyLabelRenderer class you should get “DATA_VALUE” form context object, instead “REV_VALUE”, because in this scope “REV_VALUE” does not contain a value. When you implement IRenderLabel, you retrieve a string that will be displayed in the label, so formatting should be done in implementation of IRenderLabel, so in ToString method of IRenderLabel you should return itemLabel.ToString(“####0.”), instead of CStr(ItemLabel). Then for yAxis.Labels.ItemFormtString should set only “REV_VALUE”.
Please let me know if you have any further questions
Hi Hristo, thanks a lot for your help : it simply worked !