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Ultragrid not displaying data

I have a grid on a form that is displaying records in table related to the form. To add a new record to this table, I display a popup form that inserts the new row, then call the method to refresh the grid (bind it to the new datasource) - code below:

Private Sub LoadActivity(ByVal ActiveLoadID As Integer)


                                Dim UGActivity as UltraGrid

            Dim m_LoadAct As New DataContext

            Dim m_Activity = (From t In m_LoadAct.LoadActivities

                        Where t.LoadID = ActiveLoadID

                        Order By t.LastUpdated Descending

Select t.LoadActivityID, t.Carrier.CarrierName, t.ContactName,   t.ContactPhone, t.Price, t.Notes, t.LastUpdated)

            UGActivity.DataSource = m_Activity




        End Try

    End Sub


This gets called when the form first loads and it works fine.  When I add a new entry, I popup the form, add the row, then call this same method.  When I do, the grid does not change.  When I debug and step through, I see that the m_Activity datasource has the new row and after the UGActivity.Datasource = m_Activity line I see that the UGActivity grid has the new row in it, but still, the grid on the screen does not change.  If I put a button on the form to call the above method, it refreshes just fine.  What am I missing?  There are 2 other grids on this form that are populated through this same/similar process and work just fine.  What am I missing?  Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.



  • 435

    1. Why are you disposing your DC ? All changes in the grid will be stored in the DC until you fire the DC.SubmitChanges()-Event

    (Please correct me if I'm wrong)

    2. When are your savin your changes back to the DB ? -> SubmitChanges

    3. I never added and tried to change data in a grid without a Bindingsource. Don't know if this may be the problem.


    I would suggest you this way:

    private m_LoadAct As New DataContext

    Private Sub LoadActivity(ByVal ActiveLoadID As Integer)


                      Dim m_Activity = (From t In m_LoadAct.LoadActivities

                      Where t.LoadID = ActiveLoadID

                       Order By t.LastUpdated Descending

    Select t.LoadActivityID, t.Carrier.CarrierName, t.ContactName,   t.ContactPhone, t.Price, t.Notes, t.LastUpdated)

                UGActivity.DataSource = m_Activity

     catch ex as exception

    'todo: Exceptionhandling

            End Try

    End Sub


    private sub saveChanges 'Call it whenever you want to save the changes


    m_LoadAc.submitChanges()    'you can also check for pendingChanges here

     catch ex as exception

    'todo: Exceptionhandling

            End Try

    End Sub