I'm using a hierarchical datasource (root DataTable with relations to other DataTable). I have in every table as the first column a checkbox, which is also displayed in the header (CheckboxVisibility = true). Additionally I set the column width of that column to 1 to minimize it. On tables with other tables below it, this column takes still more space. I guess this is necessary for the RowConnector lines.
The problem is that the checkboxes of the rows are in the center, but the checkbox in the header is NOT, even though I used
....Header.CheckBoxAlignment = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.HeaderCheckBoxAlignment.Center
It seems that it is 'left' per default and 'right' works also, but center unfortunately not.
Am I doing something wrong or does it just not work?
Hi Mike,
thank you, it works now! Fortunately this is just a column to check the rows and therefore it doesn't really need a caption, so I set it to string.empty. My former value for this was " ", so I never got the idea about the obscured caption.
Thanks again,
Hi Renelope,
I tried this out and I get the same results. But it looks like this happens because the grid doesn't want to place the CheckBox over the caption. In other words, the CheckBox should not obscure the text in the column header.
If I set the column.Header.Caption to string.Empty, then the CheckBox in the header will center itself.
So the question is.. if the checkbox is right in the middle of the header, where do you want the caption to be?