How do I customize the appearance of line Series in my Legend? I have successfully customize the NumericTimeSeries (represented by a line) in the attached LineChart, but am having a hard time figuring out the LegendAppearance. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
grndElSeries = numTimeSeriesDict["grndElSeries"];
grndElSeries.Label = "Ground Elev. (ft)";
grndElSeries.PEs.Add(new PaintElement(Color.DarkKhaki));
LineAppearance grndElLineApp = new LineAppearance();
grndElLineApp.Thickness = 10;
grndElLineApp.LineStyle.DrawStyle = LineDrawStyle.Solid;
But when I do this i get a thick line on the chart but a thin line in the Legend. How do I get the legend line customized?? Thanks VERY much.