Let me explain the scenario first..I have an Ultragrid with 10 columns ..After the Winform loads the grid,user can remove or change the order of some of the columns etc. . now i need to store the current configuration of the grid (with the column order changed and with some of the columns deleted etc). so that I can reproduce the same changed grid for the user when he login next time....I am wondering if the Ultragrid configuration could be captured in an Xml file..
Thanks in Advance
Imports system.io
"Save Layout"
FileLayout.Seek(0, IO.SeekOrigin.Begin)
"Load Layout"
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\CustomerList.UGD") Then
sub_LoadGridLayout = True
sub_LoadGridLayout = False
End If
This should put the file in your app path. You can save multiple versions if you uniquely indentify them.