Is it possible to change the Spin Button images?
If so how??
Elfmanne said:Where can I see the images used in the AppStylist for the spin buttons?
I tried this out in a sample and at the default height of the DateTimeEditor, the buttons look fine. The isl file is not applying any images to the spin buttons.
It looks like what's happening here is that the arrows are draw a little bit smaller when the height of the control does not allow the full arrow image to fit. At the default height, both arrows look the same, but if you turn off AutoSize and reduce the height of the control by a pixel, one of the arrows has to shrink to fit.
If you reduce the control's height by one more pixel, both arrows are drawn small so they are the same size.
So it seems to me that the easiest solution for you is to make the control either one pixel taller or one pixel shorter.
Good catch, yes I actually am using the Office2007Blue.isl
Where can I see the images used in the AppStylist for the spin buttons?
I can certainly see why you wouldn't like that, it looks bad. That might be a bug.
That's not the default (themed) look.
Looks like one of the Office styles. Are you loading a Style Library (isl) file into your application?
If so, which one? Is it one of ours or did you make one of your own?
If not, then what is the DisplayStyle set to? I tried this out using all of the built-in DisplayStyle settings and I could not get it to look like this.
Try again...
Umm.. I don't see anything. Looks like the image link is broken.
You can attach an image file to your post by going to the Options tab when replying.