I have an ultra text editor on which I've defined a right button which is a DropDownEditorButton which has an ultragird as it's control. I have actions that take place on the double click event of the grid after which I want the drop down to close up.
I've tried 'txtSearch.Editor.CloseUP' and 'txtSearch.Editor.ExiteditMode (true, true) and neither works.
How do I get the dropdown to close up in the grid double click?
Thank you Boris. That worked great. Now I have another related question. I need to be able to activate the drop down using keyboard input. I looked for a shortcut key property but finding none, I've tried adding code to the text editor(txtSearch) keydown event.
I've used the code below but when it gets hit, the code crashes and exits. What should I call?
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Down Then ' down arrow
End If
Hello Tigerpaw,
You could try the following approach to resolve your issue(assuming your ultraGrid is named ultraGrid1 and is part of the dropDownButton Editor property):
private void ultraGrid1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ultraTextEditor1.CloseEditorButtonDropDowns(); }
private void ultraGrid1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Feel free to write me if you need further assistance.