I've figured out how to change the appearance of lines in my graph, but I want to adjust the appearance of my line series independently so that they show up a little more clearly.
For instance, I have a series represented by a line with the following chart appearance properties:
minGwElSeries = numTimeSeriesDict["minGwElSeries"];
minGwElSeries.Label = "Min GW Elev. (ft)";
minGwElSeries.PEs.Add(new PaintElement(Color.DarkGray));
LineAppearance minGwElLineApp = new LineAppearance();
minGwElLineApp.Thickness = 1;
minGwElLineApp.LineStyle.DrawStyle = LineDrawStyle.DashDotDot;
ChartLayerAppearance minGwElLayer = new ChartLayerAppearance();
minGwElLayer.ChartType = ChartType.LineChart;
My question is: how do I adjust the properties of how this line/series appears in my legend? It does not show up with the same appearance I have specified in the chart (i.e., it just shows up as a thin gray line). All of the other lines in the chart show up in the legend as these thin lines and the colors are hard to distinguish. I want to make the lines thicker, longer, and have dashes/dash-dots/etc.)
Any suggestions?? Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Hello Jrubengb,
Maybe one possible approach to achieve desire behavir is to handle ultraChart1_FillSceneGraph() event and include for example such kind of code.
private void ultraChart1_FillSceneGraph(object sender, Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Events.FillSceneGraphEventArgs e) { foreach (Primitive pr in e.SceneGraph) { if (pr.GetType() == typeof(Symbol)) { ((Symbol)pr).PE.Fill = Color.Red; } } }
foreach (Primitive pr in e.SceneGraph)
if (pr.GetType() == typeof(Symbol))
((Symbol)pr).PE.Fill = Color.Red;
Please let me know if you have any questions.