I'm using the UltraGridExcelExporter to export contents from a DataGridView. The DataGridView has many columns and I only want certain columns to be exported, for instance "reading_date", "gw_elev_ft" and "gw_depth_ft"
How can I specify this using my existing block of code?:
private void ExportGraphingDataToExcel()
string sensorName = cbxMonitorList.Value.ToString();
string startDate = clndrGwMonStart.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
string endDate = clndrGwMonEnd.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
string graphingDataExportFilePath = "C:\\temp\\GraphingData" + "_" + sensorName + "_" + startDate + "-" + endDate + ".xls";
SetStatus("Exporting monitor graphing data to Excel file...");
this.ultraGridExcelExporter.Export(this.dgvGwMonGraphData, graphingDataExportFilePath);
MessageBox.Show("Groundwater monitor graphing data exported to " + graphingDataExportFilePath, "Export Complete", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
catch (Exception ex)
SetStatus("Error encountered...");
MessageBox.Show("Error running ExportUpdateErrorsToExcel: " + ex.Message, "Export Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Yes you are correct. I simply renamed the UltraGrid and refer to them as "dgv___"
I used the following code from here: http://sblanco.wordpress.com/category/infragistics-winforms/
and your code to get the following:
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ExcelExport;
ultraGridExcelExporter.BeginExport += delegate(object sender, BeginExportEventArgs e)
ColumnsCollection columns = e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns;
columns.Band.Columns["gwmon_edit_id"].Hidden = true;
columns.Band.Columns["session_edit_id"].Hidden = true;
columns.Band.Columns["edit_date"].Hidden = true;
columns.Band.Columns["edited_by"].Hidden = true;
columns.Band.Columns["sensor_name"].Hidden = true;
columns.Band.Columns["reading_hertz"].Hidden = true;
columns.Band.Columns["head_ft"].Hidden = true;
columns.Band.Columns["head_psi"].Hidden = true;
columns.Band.Columns["f2_scale"].Hidden = true;
columns.Band.Columns["ground_elev_ft"].Hidden = true;
columns.Band.Columns["max_gw_elev_ft"].Hidden = true;
columns.Band.Columns["min_gw_elev_ft"].Hidden = true;
WORKS PERFECTLY. Thanks a lot!
I'm a bit confused. The UltraGridExcelExporter only works with the UltraGrid control. It does not work with a DataGridView. So I can only assume that this.dgvGwMonGraphData is an UltraWinGrid and not a DataGridView. Otherwise, this code would not even compile.
Anyway, what you can do is handle the BeginExport event of the UltraGridExcelExporter. This event passes you a Layout which is a clone of the on-screen grid's layout. Since it's a clone, you can modify the layout and it will affect the export and not the on-screen grid. So you can simply hide the columns you want to hide:
e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns["my column"].Hidden = true;