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Footer Summary Issues

I am very familiar with the ASP.NET grid, but am having a problem getting certain functionality working in the WinForm grid.

 Basically, at the bottom of the Amount column (and only that column), I want to display a Sum of the Amount. I want the value to display at the bottom of the grid control, not at the end of all the rows. Currently, if I have 500 rows, it only shows after the 500th row. Also, I don't want the Sum icon in my column header - how can I get rid of that?

There must be some How-To's for this stuff that you can refer me to - I hope so!


  • 1210
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Add this in the InitializeLayout (or change it in the designer) 

    'Take out the sum icons 

    e.Layout.Override.AllowRowSummaries = UltraWinGrid.AllowRowSummaries.False

    'Show summary fixed at the bottom

    e.Layout.Override.SummaryDisplayArea = UltraWinGrid.SummaryDisplayAreas.BottomFixed

    You change the format, etc in the SummarySettings object. You can access this at design time via DisplayLayout, bands(0), Summaries, or you can work with it in code.




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