I have a ultranumericeditor control with these settings:
NumericType: Double
MaskInput: n.nnnn
FormatSTring 0.0000
The user can enter a number up to 4 decimal places. but once they tab out the control shows the number to 4 decimal places but rounds it off to 2.
so if the user enters 0.1234 and tabs out, the control displays 0.1200 and I dont want that to happen.
any ideas would be appreciated.
Hello John,
I try to reproduce this behavior in a small sample, but without success. In my sample I used version 11.1.20111.2009. Could you please tell me what is your version. Please if you have a time take a look at the attached sample and let me know if you think that I didin`t reproduce your scenario or if you have any questions. Please feel free to make modifications in my sample.
If you are using older version, you could donwload the latest service release from our site: Infragistics.com -> MyIG -> My Keys and Downloads.
Please keep me in touch
Have you been able to resolve your issue ? Please if you have any questions, feel free to ask me
Yes I was able to solve the issue. I used a binding control to the text box that had an event which was changing the value on lost focus.
thanks again