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Column Arrangement Designer


We're having a problem with the Column Arrangement Designer in the WinGrid:

We're using Row Layout. Whenever we make changes to the Header height or Row height, the changes are never saved. It looks as if they're saved. We save the file, then compile. But when we run the application the grid looks exactly the same as its original (before editing) configuration.

We've tried saving the Layout in the Column Arrangement Designer. It seems to save, but, again, after running the application, the next time in the Column Arrangement Designer the saved layout is no longer there and everything is back to where it was before editing.

As you can imagine, this is a little frustrating.

I should point out that we're using an App Style for all our grids but we have marked the Resolution Order of all UltraGrids as Control Then Application. I don't see why this would affect the Column Arrangement Designer, but...

All of this is easily reproducible.

Thanks for any help.


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    Hi Steve,

    What version of the grid are you using?

    SteveAltman said:
    We've tried saving the Layout in the Column Arrangement Designer. It seems to save, but, again, after running the application, the next time in the Column Arrangement Designer the saved layout is no longer there and everything is back to where it was before editing.

    What exactly do you mean by "saving the Layout". Where are you saving it to? You don't actually have to save the layout to anywhere. If you modify the layout in the Column Arrangement Designer, then you are modifying the layout of the grid's DisplayLayout and you don't have to explicitly save anything. You just have to click OK.

    It sounds like maybe you are saving the layout into the grid's Layout's collection. That's fine, but then that layout is simply stored there and has no effect on the actual grid until you load that layout into the grid.

    If you set up the layout at design-time and that layout is getting lost when you run the application, then the problem is most likely that something in your run-time code is causing the layout to be lost. This can happen if your run-time data source does match the design-time data source structure (which seems unlikely). It can also happen if, at run-time, you are setting the DataSource property of the grid instead of calling the grid.SetDataBinding method.

    If you modifying the grid layout at design-time, clicking OK, and then going back into the Column Arrangement Designer and the layout is lost at design-time, then something else is wrong. My best guess in that case is that this is a bug in the grid and you probably need to update to the latest service release.


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