Is it possible to add serial numbers/row numbers for the columns of Column chooser (in pop up window)?
I tried out a couple of experimental approaches to this.
You can access the Column Chooser Dialog via the BeforeColumnChooserDisplayed event. You can even access the column chooser control that is being used via the e.Dialog.ColumnChooserControl property.
I tried delving deeping into this object and getting the WinGrid that it is using to display the column headers, but the column it's using is using an internal class, so it's displaying the ToString method on this class and there is no way to change that, and therefore no way to change the text of the cell.
So I don't see any way to do this currently.
You should Submit a feature request to Infragistics.
We are using v9.2
Hm. Well, the easiest way to do this would be to change the actual captions of the grid columns.
But if you only want to change the text in the ColumnChooser and not in the grid, then I'm not sure that's currently possible. What version of the controls are you using?
Yes Mike,
We need to add row numbers in front of the column names, this is a requirement from our client.
The column chooser displays a list of the Columns that exist in the grid. You want to add row numbers in front of the column names?
That doesn't seem to make sense, so I think I must not understand the question.