Catch ex As ExceptionMessageBox.Show("Error al cargar CLINICAS")FinallyMyConexion.Close()End Try
How I can get the value of the column postal when I select a row?
The environment of work is a visual basic 2010 and the control is Ultracombo , It is not a control ultracomboeditor It does not admit the property .SelectedItem.ListObject
I do not understand the instruction :
alegar010 said:How I can get the value of the column postal when I select a row?
The easiest thing to do would be to simply use:
alegar010 said: The environment of work is a visual basic 2010 and the control is Ultracombo , It is not a control ultracomboeditor It does not admit the property .SelectedItem.ListObject I do not understand the instruction : ((System.Data.DataRowView)(ultraComboEditor1.SelectedItem.ListObject)).Row.ItemArray[2]
I do not understand what you are asking here. The code you have here gets the underlying data object from the data source of the combo and returns it's value, but that's basically the same thing I did and my way is simpler, I think.