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Drag & Drop with WinChart and other controls


in my app, I have a winchart and a navigation control like a WinExplorerBar or a WinTree (I'm not sure which one serves me best). In the navigation control there is a list with many items, each item represents a data series. I would like to select one ore more items in the navigation control, drag the selected items in the the chart area and drop it. After the drop, the data series should be shown by the chart.

It tried it out, but I only saw a changed cursor which told me that this action cannot be done (a crossed out circle). I must admit, that I am quite a beginner in the Drag&Drop stuff, so the solution might be quite simple, so my question: Is this possible, how to do this, and (although it's the wrong thread) how to this with WinExplorerBar and WinTree?

Thanks in advance.



  • 18495


    I'd be more than willing to create a small sample for you, but I'd like to know which version of NetAdvantage you're using and which version of Visual Studio.