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how to keep customised backcolor of selected rows?


My grid show rows' backcolor based on one cell value by using ultraGrid1_InitializeRow.

I wanted those backcolors to be kept when rows selected, instead of default window highlight color.

To implemented that I tried DrawFilter. code is as below. Code runs fine. At run-time it shows row's backcolor (window highlight) is replaced by customised colotr but grid still show default highlight color.

Any idea ? thanks

        public class BackColorFilter : IUIElementDrawFilter
            public DrawPhase GetPhasesToFilter(ref UIElementDrawParams drawParams)
                if (drawParams.Element is RowCellAreaUIElement)
                    return DrawPhase.BeforeDrawBackColor;

                return DrawPhase.None;

            public bool DrawElement(DrawPhase drawPhase,
              ref UIElementDrawParams drawParams)
                switch (drawPhase)
                    case DrawPhase.BeforeDrawBackColor:
                        RowCellAreaUIElement cell = drawParams.Element as RowCellAreaUIElement;

                        if (cell.Row.Selected && (bool)cell.Row.Cells["Excluded"].Value)
                            drawParams.AppearanceData.BackColor = cell.Row.Appearance.BackColor;
                        return true;
                return false;