i have downloaded and installed the new version of infragistics (11.1). I was attempting to use the UltraGridWordWriter, to create a word document from my grid, but it does not seem like the writer does not work with multi band grids. Am i missing something or does this feature not exist?
I didn't think this would work, knowing that the Word table structure isn't very complex, thats too bad. we were looking for a way to email whats in an ultragrid that contains multiple bands and creation filters (the export to PDF or XPS doesn't work because of the creation and draw filters). Thanks anyway
Only the root band is exported.
Word doesn't have any support for a hierarchical structure, so the exporter exports the grid into a single table, and Word tables don't handle a whole lot of complexity very well.
OutlookGroupBy is supported and the exporter handles this by creating some extra columns for indenting.